
Ordering repeat prescriptions

If you have registered for Online facilities you can use EMIS Access to order your repeat prescriptions or email your request to

Telephone requests are only taken for housebound patients. There is a request slip on the right hand side of the prescription that you need to complete before your next prescription is due.

Please bear in mind that all repeat prescription requests take twoworking days (Saturdays/Sundays NOT included) to be processed and will be available after 16:00 on the second working day after the request.

Request made Ready for collection
Monday Wednesday after 16:00
Tuesday Thursday after 16:00
Wednesday Friday after 16:00
Thursday Monday after 16:00
Friday Tuesday after 16:00

Thanks for your co-operation not calling into surgery before prescriptions are due to be ready as this causes extra work. 

It is important that you clearly tick the items you require. You may prefer to post your repeat prescription request enclosing a stamped, self addressed envelope and then staff can post the prescription back to you.

To save time waiting at reception there is a mail box in the foyer marked prescriptions which is opened regularly. There are arrangements with some local chemists that will deliver prescriptions to the elderly or housebound – please ask at reception.

Queries about your medication

From time to time your medication may change:

  • from a tablet to capsule or vice versa
  • from one brand to another
  • another equivalent medication

Your doctor will only do this if the new medication is as good as or better at treating your condition.

Making such changes helps to ensure that every penny spent on your local NHS is spent wisely.

This practice participates in the Wirral Prescribing Incentive Scheme. This scheme aims to increase the quality and cost effectiveness of prescribing.

If you have any queries about these changes to your medication please speak to a member of staff at the practice or if you prefer your local pharmacist.

Think Pharmacy

This service is offering management, including prescriptions, for UTI, Migraine, Conjunctivitis, Impetigo, Fungal skin infection, Oral Thrush.

Please see list for Pharmacies offering this service.

Pharmacy List