
NHS Talking Therapies, for anxiety and depression

NHS Talking Therapies services can help with the following common problems with anxiety and depression:

  • agoraphobia
  • body dysmorphic disorder
  • depression
  • generalised anxiety disorder
  • health anxiety
  • mixed depression and anxiety
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • panic disorder
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • social anxiety disorder
  • specific phobias (such as heights, flying, spiders etc.

These problems may present themselves in a whole variety of different ways. Everyone is different. You don’t need a “diagnosis” to come for therapy, a skilled practitioner will help work out with you whether and how the service can help.
On Wirral, the NHS Talking Therapy service is provided by ‘Talking Together Wirral’which is a free, confidential service, available to anyone who is aged 16+ and registered with a GP in the Wirral.
For more information please visit Talking Together Wirral – Free Talking Therapies Wirral – Insight IAPT

Self-Harm Safe Kit resources

Please refer to the NO MORE SUICIDE website where a number of useful self-harm resources can be found

Missing People’s Free and Confidential Online Chat Service please click the link below;

Accessibility resources to help you communicate about COVID-19

Coronavirus Helpline Flyer







Better Health Campaign

Domestic Abuse Resources

Wirral Ways to Recovery update

Wirral Ways continues to operate from the Birkenhead Hub on Conway Street, where emergency, pre-arranged appointments are still being conducted. Assessments are held over the phone (0151 556 1335), and interventions are performed by phone or through digital offers, such as skype or zoom, on a 1:1 or group basis. Alongside that, they can connect people to virtual Mutual Aid, offer additional internet based support via Breaking Free On-Line, and continue to offer a 24 hour support line. Residential detox is still being supported at Birchwood.

Alcohol sales have increased over the last few weeks, yet new presentations for treatment have reduced. Wirral Ways want people to know that they are still open for business, and that you don’t have to leave home to take up that offer of support, as this may be a stumbling block for some people.

Please support the service by sharing their details, not only for those people that have increased their alcohol consumption, but also those that may have realised that their behaviour was of concern, and have taken a decision to reduce or abstain from alcohol – Wirral Ways are there to support them.

Patients can be directed to call direct on 0151 556 1335.

The team have uploaded some really useful information to their Facebook page <> over the past few weeks, including some great awareness raising clips and simple, yet effective presentations about coping with isolation and perhaps drinking more alcohol than usual.

Emergency Dental Care – Where Can I Get Help?

If you need help with an urgent dental problem, call our
Emergency Helpline, available from 9am to 9.30pm
every day, including weekends and Bank Holidays.
Please note: this is an appointment only service – we do not operate a ‘drop-in’ service at any of our surgeries.
Need Emergency
Dental Care?
0161 476 9651

Healthwatch Wirral Please click on this link for information on where to get help Healthwatch is the national consumer champion in health and care. They have significant statutory powers to ensure the voice of the consumer is strengthened and heard by those who commission, deliver and regulate health and care services. Healthwatch has local teams who work to support the voice of patients… Free advice from Citizens Advice to help you find a way forward, whatever the problem Our Nationwide Team Is Hugely Experienced In Providing Person-Centred Care At Home. We Provide Quality Home Care That’s Unique and Custom-Made For Each Of Our Customers.


childline Childline: here 24/7. Our trained Childline counsellors are there for young people 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Talking to Childline can be the first step that gets a child’s life back on track.

Mental Health

Wired W.I.R.E.D. is an organisation of and for disabled people and carers that provides a range of services to people, acts as an umbrella organisation for other local disability groups and promotes the inclusion of disabled people into society.

Silverline The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Every Mind Matters A Free Action Plan With Simple Steps To Help You Look After Your Mental Health. Simple Steps To Help You Take Care Of Your Mental Health

Support for people affected by suicide – Amparo provides free, timely and confidential support to anyone in Wirral who has been affected by suicide.  This can include assistance with media enquiries, dealing with the police or coroner and help understanding the inquest process.  Amparo is not counselling – it’s practical assistance following a suicide.   92% of those we’ve worked with said they felt better after contact from Amparo (8% said that they felt partly better).  This service is funded via CHAMPS.

Grass Roots suicide prevention

Heart Health

CWP Freephone number



Supporting your recovery after COVID-19

See the Light Through the Armour


Preventing falls and leaving lockdown